ICC Profile

Road to Dakdam
picture by Ari Vitikainen

Vision Statement
Motivated by God’s love, we long to see the least-served people in Cambodia experience healthy relationships, sustainable livelihoods, and confidence in wise decision-making.

 ICC Mission Statement

Together we work with the least-served to build up their capacity, responsibility, and ownership for their development by enhancing knowledge, sharing skills, and facilitating reflection.

Core Value Statement

  • Divine grace: experienced through faith in Jesus Christ, hope in eternal life, and a sense of divine purpose;
  • Dignity: the recognition that all people are created in the image of God; expressed through patience, humility and deference;
  • Love for neighbour: shown through equality, unity, and service, and
  • Mutual Respect: recognizing the God-given identity of language and culture and its value when held in balance with Biblical worldview and guidelines for living.
"Empowering Communities, Empowered Nation"
